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Help Our Business Survive

The impact of the global pandemic on our small family micro-business has been incalculable. As the owner, maker and as a single mom, my love for my children, my passion for the chocolate arts, and the joy I get from feeding people, have kept me going. I also know that our little company has played a positive role in our community to other artisans, micro startups and people in general who dare to dream. People who know that when you follow your heart, and stick with something long enough, you will see a positive return eventually. Maybe it's not what you thought it would be but it's what you might need it to be.


Everyone familiar with our company knows that, although this is by far the most challenging period we've faced, it's also not our "first rodeo." I still firmly believe that perseverance is key, even if you have to pivot to accommodate changing times. CocoVaa is pretty good at beating the odds wouldn't you say? But we also know that we have never accomplished anything without the love, help and support of the community. We need you now more than ever.


Just before the pandemic, we were about to hire our first round of employees. The pandemic's financial impact on our business changed those plans, throwing us back to our startup phase, where I'm often working 18 and sometimes 20 hour days crafting bonbons. It's also made the logistics of running the business about 10 times more difficult. Our revenue dropped by a third last year and this year could possibly be worse since we're beginning the year in a pandemic. HOWEVER...Here's the good news: People want our fine chocolate creations more than ever. I don't know what to attribute the increase in demand to other than we are all starving more than ever for those transcendent moments of pleasure and self honor that remind us that we are here to do so much more than simply survive.


To meet increased demand and to allow my business to survive this pandemic, I need to automate some processes. I decided to set out to raise funds to get an automatic tempering machine and to begin hiring a team to alleviate the increased hardship of production. Not only will this allow our business to survive this pandemic, but it will open up future opportunities for our business to grow. Watching brick and mortars close every day is frightening and sad as a small business owner. So, rather than wallowing in self-pity, I decided that it's time to move beyond simply a survival pattern and instead focus on ways to sustain the business and even grow once we are on the other side of this pandemic. I have faith we can make it through this. If CocoVaa stands for one thing besides great chocolate, it represents the possibilities that come about when you stand strong, firmly rooted in your purpose, your mission, with an unwavering commitment to your dreams. Please consider donating if you can. 

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